Sarah Wilson's PR Blog

November 11, 2009

Crowd Surfing – surviving and thriving in the age of consumer empowerment

Filed under: PRCA 3339 — swilso37 @ 4:31 pm

The title of the book simply explains exactly what this book is about. The authors, Martin Thomas and David Brain, have done an excellent job at describing consumer empowerment and what it means for businesses and corporations today. The book is informational because not only does it explain how the consumer has changed, it tells a business what they should do in order to reach/satisfy the customer of today. This is rarely explained in most books on this subject! They will just explain how the customer has evolved over time, but never tell you what to do, or how to go about adapting to these changes. Blogs, review sites and chat rooms, create consumer empowerment. Consumer empowerment is the term the authors use to describe how people no longer have to rely on what a company says about their products and services. They can read what others think about on what they have bought or the services they had, and make their own decisions while keeping those views in mind. The result of this is consumers knowing exactly what they want and where to go to get it.

Thomas and Brain suggest that businesses need to make themselves more tansluscent. By transluscent, they mean for companies to use social media tools to reinforce their brands and create a relationship with the customer.

More about authors:

Martin Thomas – Martin has led some award-winning media, PR and sponsorship teams and is also known to be one of the pioneers of integrated brand and communications planning. For the past 2 years, he has been a marketing consultant, trainer and writer, and works with brand owners and marketing agencies.

David Brain – David has worked in PR, corporate communications and advertising for about 26 years.  He is now based in London where he runs the European operations of Edelman, one of the top 3 PR firms in the world and the only one that remains independent, and he continues to consult with some of the world’s top companies and their brands.


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